Looks Like Thanos Is Getting An Epic Weapon In Avengers: Endgame


2 minutes ago

It is arguably the most exciting time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far. A decade of filmmaking and 21 blockbusters will come to a head when Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters this month, ending both Phase Three and the MCU as we know it. Moviegoers are eager to return to the MCU, and see what happened to the galaxy after Thanos wiped out half of all life with the snap of his big purple finger.

The trailers and marketing material has teased a darker and more grim world for the survivors to inhabit in the wake of Thanos' dinger snap (aka The Decimation). But Josh Brolin's signature villain has been largely absent, save for a shot of his armor and his hand walking through a field. Fans are eager to catch up with the Mad Titan, and now merchandise has revealed he'll be getting a badass new weapon in Endgame. Check it out below.


Does anyone else have chills? It looks like Thanos is getting a sword in Avengers: Endgame, which should be a new way to see the Mad Titan in action. And considering that characters like Thor are packing heat, it opens up the possibilities for action in the upcoming sequel.

This new image comes to us from Hot Toys, which are selling a stunning rendering of Thanos in Avengers: Endgame. With the blockbuster just weeks away, its merchandise is set to arrive in theaters. Blockbusters in the MCU make a ton of money through action figures, but toys can sometimes leak information before they hit theaters. That seems to be the case with Thanos' new sword, which will no doubt bring some punishment to the surviving heroes when Endgame finally arrives.

The Endgame trailers show that the surviving heroes are focused on avenging the fallen, whatever it takes. It looks like the upcoming blockbuster will largely focus on those characters, and how they're coping with the apocalyptic event that Thanos caused. This is in stark juxtaposition to Infinity War, which followed Thanos as the protagonist. But while he's noticeably absent from the trailers, Josh Brolin's character should still have a major affect on the events of Endgame.

But it looks like the public won't know much about Thanos' role until Endgame finally arrives in theaters. Marvel Studios is keeping its cards close to the chest to avoid spoilers, and allow moviegoers to have the optimal experience in theaters. In fact, the Russo Brothers are encouraging fans to avoid spoilers and see their blockbuster on its opening weekend in order keep all of its secrets. And that includes Thanos' role and ultimate fate.

According to Gamora, Thanos has only ever wanted one thing: to assemble the Infinity Stones and wipe out half of all life. Now that's he's succeeded, one has to wonder: what's next? How is he holding up in retirement?

All will be revealed when Avengers: Endgame arrives on April 26th, one year after Infinity War shocked us all. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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